About The Books

LBJ’S And Nixon’s Patsy

Lee Harvey Oswald was a $300 a month federal undercover informant under the name A. Hidell, Her warned in writing both the Dallas police and the FBI that the JFK murder would occur on November 22, 1963. He did not know the hour or the exact location in Dallas for the assassination. A young George H. W. Bush was photographed as a possible CIA lookout in front of the Texas schoolbook repository in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Upon his later nomination by president Nixon as CIA director, Bush lied about his CIA involvement including his leadership in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

On November 20, 1963, the ambitious vice president Lyndon Baines Johnson and the vengeful former Vice president Richard Nixon met in Dallas to confirm their Bipartisan conspiracy in support of the FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. The Collusion included Rogue elements of the CIA, the Dallas police, the secret service, the US military, and the Mafia. On November 21, 1963, Nixon paid the Mafia $30,000 for each of four snipers to be at Dealey Plaza along the JFK parade route in Dallas.

On November 22, 1963, sniper Charles Harrison from the grassy knoll at Dealey Plaza, shot JFK in the neck. Sniper Chuck Nicoletti shot JFK twice in the back as the motorcade passed. Sniper Mac Wallace shot Governor Connally from the school book depository and nearly killed him. Sniper Jimmy Files aimed at JFK’s right eye and fatally struck his forehead. According to files in a Youtube Video, he used a specially built rifle and explosive tipped round both developed by the CIA.

David B. Nolan Sr. Book Cover

Quest for Freedom

This shocking story of the Gillespie family and their fellow Scots-Irish to gain their freedom and liberty from the cruelties of the English Crown is chronicled from William Wallace to the American Revolutionaries. Their heritage of bravery and zeal led to the establishment of the Bill of Rights to the U. S. Constitution. The core of this riveting story is the renowned Scottish Philosophers (Luther, Calvin, Knox, Locke Gillespie, and Rutherford) and their belief in a Liberty of Consciences upon which the principles of America’s Constitutional law are founded. The Gillespies ensured the survival of the Presbyterian Church through their unwavering stand against the corrupt Stuart Kings. Revengefully King James II torched, imprisoned, and killed the humble Presbyterian Covenanters. Everyone will be enlightened by the fact that the Westminster Confession of Faith which George Gillespie was instrumental in writing illuminates many ideals upon which America was founded and was a required curriculum for America’s founding fathers who attended Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, and Princeton. The Catechisms were the most widely read publication in colonial America second to the Bible. Listed are suggested Constitutional amendments to control the corruption of today’s Congress. Obviously, the Scots-Irish colonial pioneers of democracy, who were such visionaries and refused to ratify the Constitution due to lack of control over Congress and the President, would insist on similar controls. You’ll discover from a, never before-published, Gillespie family perspective the trials and tribulations of founding the Nation’s first public University, The University of North Carolina. Discussed are the Federalists’ and Anti-Federalists’ turmoils and the campus unrest that were ignited by the passage of the Jay Treaty.
Quest for Freedom Book

Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald

Mafioso Jack Rudy silenced military intelligence operative Lee Harvey Oswald to avoid a trial that would implicate LBJ as the mastermind of the JFK assassination. In 1979, Congress determined that there was a conspiracy regarding snipers from both the Texas School Book Depository and the Grassy Knoll at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas.

The proof of LBJs having foreknowledge of sniper nests awaiting is his ducking to the floor of the vice presidential limousine thirty seconds before the JFK motorcade entered the Dealey Plaza. Only a redacted version of this LBJ photo was submitted to the Warren Commission record to hide LBJs foreknowledge of the JFK murder.

Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald Book